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The mission of the Athletic Department at White Knoll Middle School is to aid in the academic, emotional and physical development of our students through the promotion of teamwork, sportsmanship and athletic competition.  The athletic program at White Knoll Middle School is a valuable asset to the total education process; therefore, the program operates within the same objectives and goals of the overall educational program.  Athletics at the middle school level help to foster team building skills, problem solving skills, self-confidence, and self-discipline.  Through the development of these skills it is believed that our student-athletes will become confident, contributing members of the school community.


  • To provide students the opportunity to work as a member of a team in order to achieve a goal, and in the process, learn the importance of cooperation, teamwork and good sportsmanship
  • To develop the positive values of athletics, including sportsmanship, teamwork, cooperation, and competition.
  • To provide students with experiences which require problem solving, decision-making, and critical thinking skills.
  • To develop in students emotional control, dependability, and respect for rules, property and authority.
  • To provide students the opportunity to pursue physical fitness as a means of mental well-being.
  • To foster academic and athletic achievement in students by emphasizing the importance of self-discipline, sacrifice and dedication to achieving goals.
  • To develop sport skills by maximizing participation and focusing on instruction
  • To provide as many students as possible the opportunity to participate in activities they enjoy.
  • To develop in students a sense of school loyalty, and generate school spirit.


Joseph Albino – Football Coach & JV Baseball Coach

Adam Powalie – Football Assistant :

Dell Lever – Football Assistant 

James Redmond – Assistant Football Coach & Head Girls Basketball Coach

Tyler Richardson – Assistant Football Coach & Assistant Girls Basketball Coach.

John Paul Sellars – Boys Basketball Coach

Eric Phillips & Larry Nordone – Boys Basketball Assistant Coaches

Bria Martin – Girls Basketball Assistant Coach

Jordan Webster – Volleyball Coach & JV Track and Field Coach

Corrine Hash – Assistant Volleyball Coach

Wendy Nance – Cheerleading Coach

Serena Olivi – Assistant Cheerleading Coach

Joe Albino

Joe Albino

Athletic Director

Athletic Programs Offered


Girls Tennis(White Knoll High)
Cross Country Boys and Girls (White Knoll High)
Competitive Swimming (White Knoll High)  
Girls Golf (White Knoll High)


Boys’ Baseball (White Knoll High)
Girls’ Softball (White Knoll High)
Boys’ and Girls’ Track & Field (White Knoll High)
Boys Golf (White Knoll High)
Boy and Girls Soccer (White Knoll High) 
Boys and Girls Lacrosse (White Knoll High)


Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball
Wrestling (White Knoll High)
Winter Guard (White Knoll High)
Bowling (White Knoll High)

Please send any questions to Coach Joseph Albino.

We have partnered with They are the leader in online apparel and team gear and they have built over 100,000 school and team shops that offer custom apparel.

Here is the direct link to our shop:

My Locker provides graphic ads and links so parents & families that visit our main school website can click over directly to our custom shop.

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